The experience of the Russian group
Trade & Industrial Group INTERPRODUCT
of the Prechistoe cheese company,
in the Yaroslavl plant with Almac production technology.

Angelo Amara (Almac Sales Manager): Prechistoe is one of the biggest and most important producers in Russia of pasta filata cheese, like pizza cheese, fresh mozzarella Italian style, string cheese and burrata. What and how oriented your company towards investing in the Almac technology?
Mr. Andrey Shilov (Managing Director): You know, we are producing Mozzarella ONLY in Almac equipment. Now, we have three lines: FV 1200/FV 700/FV 100 and we sign new contract to buy second FV 700 line.
Almac: what are the differences between Almac and other pasta filata cheese equipment manufacturers?
Prechistoe Cheese: Almac VS its major competitors? I know exactly the answer: “Once we have made the choice, we are completely satisfied to have such partner like Almac”.
Almac: How Almac experience helped you?
Prechistoe Cheese: Almac has good technologist support and a good customer orientation.
Almac: In your opinion, which are Almac strength points?
Prechistoe Cheese: Almac strength points are: very good and very sustainable equipment, could work 24 hours/7 days a week. We could change recipes during the day.
Almac: In your opinion, how Russian mozzarella market will grow? If it will grow!
Prechistoe Cheese: Russian mozzarella market continue to grow. You know, the biggest pizza chain in Eastern Europe – Do Do pizza has 570 pizzerias in 13 countries. At this moment, Do Do show the fastest grows in fast food area in Europe. The USA giants like “Domonos pizza”/ “Pizza Hut” are believe that Russian pizza market is second important in the world after China.
Almac: By working every day with a complete line for the production of fresh mozzarella and pizza cheese, which ones of the machines composing Almac line is the one that really allowed you increasing and improving your performances and which one is the most innovative?
Prechistoe Cheese: My point of view: Almac FV 700 is better for us. Most innovative is FV 100 line with cheese sticks production.
Almac: Trusting in a long and profitable cooperation, we thank you very much for the kind interview and we remain with our warmest regards.
Prechistoe Cheese: You are the best supplier of mozzarella production machine in the world.